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Kerala Catholic Youth Movement
KCYM is the official state and regional organization under the auspices of the KCBC Kerala Catholic Bishops' Council. It is affiliated to the National Youth Body the "Indian Catholic Youth Movement" (ICYM). It consists of youngsters between the age group of 15–35 years who subscribe to Catholic values and principles, but beneficiaries include the youth of other religions. The main aim of KCYM is "The Integral Development of The Catholic Youth and The Total Liberation of Human Society in accordance with the Christian values". It is to coordinate and empower the human potentials of youth based on the Gospel values, to make them effective agents of change in the socio-religious-political-economic and cultural reality of India, especially of Kerala through National integration. It also aims at making the youth committed to the serving mission of the Church to the least, last and the lost.
Know MoreEmpowering Catholic Youth for Integral Development and Societal Liberation through Christian Values and Leadership Initiatives.

Rt. Rev. Dr. Paul Mullassery

Rev. Fr. Amalraj Francis

Rev. Fr. Jinson Gregory
Assistant Director

Maria Sherin Jose

Elizabeth Sunny
General Secretary

Abin Benedict
Joint Secretary

Manual Antony
State Syndicate

Neethu M Mathews
Lay Animator

Sr. Nilja Jose CCR
Latest News

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കെസിവൈഎം കൊല്ലം രൂപത ഔദ്യോഗിക വെബ്സൈറ്റ് www.kcymquilon.com ലോഞ്ചിങ് വേദിയായി കെസിവൈഎം വാർഷിക...

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Energia Chavara South Forane Visit
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